Welcome to Quarter-Life Crisis, a blog/newsletter/community about figuring life out in your twenties!

Or at least, my musings on it.

About Me

Hi, I’m Sofia! I’m a twenty-something grad student and writer. I love reading, listening to podcasts, and going on long runs (can you tell I’m a bit of an introvert?).

I find it hard to neatly fit my writing themes into a box. I’m curious about everything, often awestruck, and constantly feel like I have a million thoughts popping up in my brain, sort of like those pesky ads on movie streaming sites. As a consequence, I end up writing about all the random things that I encounter as a twenty-something year old woman navigating life in the US today: from wellness and social media to the working world and pop culture, with lots of personal essays and opinion thrown in.

About Quarter-Life Crisis

Quarter-Life Crisis is a blog/newsletter/community about figuring life out in your twenties.

Young adulthood is often presented as the best time of your life. According to the movies, our twenties should be full of wild nights out in fabulous outfits, endless happy hours, slightly demeaning work mishaps and tumultuous relationships that we can then regale our friends with, and endless adventures with said equally carefree friends. But what often gets left out is how confusing, lonely, and disappointing this time can be (especially during a pandemic - HELLO to anyone living out their early twenties out in Covid times!).

I started writing Quarter-Life Crisis to share my perspective and hopefully open up a conversation about the chaotic, confusing, and weirdly magical time that young adulthood can be. I’d love for this to be an open conversation, so please pitch in with your thoughts if you feel called to do so!

Subscribe and join the community below <3

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A newsletter about figuring life out in your twenties